Who We Are

Girls Inc. is the preeminent girls’ leadership organization equipping girls to reach their 
full potential.

Girls Inc. NSV youth and staff group picture

Our Story

Our non-profit organization was founded in 2006 and is based in Redding, California.

Girls Inc. of the Northern Sacramento Valley (NSV) is dedicated to the empowerment of young girls in our community. Our organization proudly serves girls from Shasta and Tehama counties, aged 6 to 18, through a diverse array of in-school, after-school, and extracurricular initiatives. These meticulously crafted programs, informed by research, foster self-esteem, reshape perceptions, and unlock the leadership, friendship, innovation, and critical thinking potential within each girl. Our overarching mission is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.

2024 Girls Inc. NSV Greeters Event - Group Image
Our Leadership
Meet Our Team
Our dedicated Redding team sets the strategic direction for the organization.
2023 Girls Make It Pop-Up Shop at the Enjoy Store
Our Financials
Annual Reports
86ȼ of every dollar spent goes directly to supporting girls’ development.
Melanie Vincent, Sarah Wallace, and Joe Bull at the 2022 Girls Inc. Gala
Our Partners
Our Corporate Partners & Funders
Our partners are committed to increasing access and opportunities for all girls.
Girls Inc. NSV youth group photo in Lassen National Forest
Our Champions
Champions for Girls
Girls Inc. NSV relies on your investment to provide the new generation of leaders with the support they need to succeed.
our history
How It Started
Our History
We were founded in 1864 to serve girls and young women who were experiencing upheaval in the aftermath of the Civil War.
Three girls at the 2022 Girls Camping Trip to Lassen National Park
Bill of Rights
Our Bill Of Rights
Girls Inc. NSV is an advocate for girls and honors the 
Girls Inc. Bill of Rights as part of our continued commitment to making a commitment to making sure they grow up healthy, educated, and independent.

Get Involved

Stand with girls. Your generosity shows girls you believe in them and their potential.

Get Involved

Become A
 Corporate Partner
Become A
Corporate Partner or Funder
Make a difference by creating
pathways to lifelong success.
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Individual Investor
Become A Champion
Join the exclusive Champions for Girls philanthropic society.
Become An
Become An
Be part of the Girls Inc. movement to effect positive change with and for girls.
Become A Social Ambassador
Become A Social Ambassador
Help raise awareness and create a world in which all girls are valued and respected.