Girls Inc. hires new executive director
Girls Incorporated of the Northern Sacramento Valley has hired a new executive director, Kate O’Rorke.
With 15 years of experience in finance and real estate, a vision for growth and a passion to improve the lives of local girls, O’Rorke is a perfect fit for Girls Inc. NSV.
The Redding-based non-profit organization has provided empowerment skills to girls in Shasta and Tehama counties since 2006. Its programs teach girls media literacy, economic literacy, leadership and community action, stress management, self-defense and healthy relationships.
O’Rorke said Girls Inc.’s girl-focused programs and workshops resonate with her personally.
“Having attended an all-girls high school, I saw firsthand the benefits of an environment where girls were free from the worries of impressing or outshining boys and were able to be themselves,” she said.
Former executive director Erika Wiechman is assisting in O’Rorke’s transition. Wiechman resigned in late February for family health reasons, Girls Inc. NSV Board President Kimberly Ross said.
O’Rorke began work March 16, and leads two program directors and a staff of trained Girls Inc. facilitators.
O’Rorke and her husband, Kevin, have two children and live in Redding.